
抒情君 7

ibabylips青少年英语学习 + 小学诗词知识储备 + 简单美肤领域知识,积累当下一点点,共同成长!

a groundswell of ...


Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whodied at87, recognized change comes from agroundswellof ordinary people… And men have to be part of the effort"

享年87岁的露丝·巴德·金斯堡(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)认识到变化来自普通百姓的奋斗groundswell……而人们必须为此付出努力

"On the Basis of Sex" is about the inspiring life story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whostruggles forequality of rights. Ruth, who is faced with inequality in many areas of life,embarksona difficult legal struggle in this way.It is worth watching to get to knowRuth Bader.

《基于性别的故事》讲述了为权利平等而奋斗struggles for的露丝·巴德·金斯堡(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)的人生故事。在生活的许多领域都面临不平等的露丝(Ruth)以这种方式开始了embark on sth艰难的法律斗争。结识露丝·巴德(Ruth Bader)《基于性别的故事》是值得一看的。


❀ 知识点 —— 词汇 ❀

groundswelln =a growth of a strong feeling among a large group of people(群体情绪的)迅速高涨。例如:There is agroundswellof opinion against the new rules. 反对这些新规定的呼声日益高涨这个翻译也是进行了结构性汉化。针对这个新规定有了日益高涨的反对观点——这个说法不符合汉语习惯。embark = v ①=to go onto a ship上船例如:We embarked at Liverpool for New York.我们从利物浦登船,前往纽约。②embark on/upon sth= to start something new or important开始,着手做(新的或重要的事情)。③ embark = em进入、使得 + bark 树皮、(用来做船-引申为)船 = 上船,开始从事...... ④ dis + embark = ?是下船吗?

❀ 知识点 —— 动词和介词 ❀

died + at + X 数字 = 翻译:享年 x 岁struggle + for + 目的 = 翻译:为了目的而奋斗;embarks on/upon + sth = 翻译:开始做sth;It is worth Ving (A) to do B =能够 do B,所以值得去Ving A ,多个动词的连续使用,还能保持结构简洁——这个结构挺好的,值得仿造句子练习一下。



