HSP | 高度敏感者
Marwa Azab Psychology心理探寻 Today
1. HSP量表
2. 案例研究
3. HSP的大脑先天不同
4. 高度敏感的五个优势
5. 五种诅咒
6. 如何充分善用自己的高度敏感性
7. 尊重:与超级敏感者相处的关键。
8. 如何对待超敏感人群
What does highly sensitive really mean? Is "Highly Sensitive Person" a scientific term?
As it turns out, there is research on this innate trait of high sensitivity. The scientific term is sensory-processing sensitivity" (SPS). Highly sensitive people are born that way; it is not something they learned.
As children, they might be described by teachers as shy or inhibited, especially in Western countries. As adults, they might be described as introverts. It is important to note that not all sensitive people are shy or introverts. In fact, 30 percent of HSPs are thought to be extroverts.
但需要指出的是,并非所有敏感者都害羞或内向。实际上,30%的 HSP(高度敏感者)被认为是外向者。
HSP scales for adults and children have been developed and used in research. A commonly used scale contains 27 diverse but strongly interrelated items.
HSP 量表
INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire is completely anonymous and confidential. Answer each question according to the way you personally feel, using the following scale:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at All Moderately Extremely
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
____ 1. Are you easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input?
____ 2. Do you seem to be aware of subtleties in your environment?
____ 3. Do other peoples moods affect you?
____ 4. Do you tend to be more sensitive to pain?
____ 5. Do you find yourself needing to withdraw during busy days, into bed or into a darkened room or any place where you can have some privacy and relief from stimulation?
____ 6. Are you particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine?
____ 7. Are you easily overwhelmed by things like bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics, or sirens close by?
____ 8. Do you have a rich, complex inner life?
____ 9. Are you made uncomfortable by loud noises?
___ 10. Are you deeply moved by the arts or music?
___ 11. Does your nervous system sometimes feel so frazzled that you just have to go off by yourself?
你的神经系统是否有时感到十分疲惫,以至于 你需要一个人找地方静一静?
___ 12. Are you conscientious?
___ 13. Do you startle easily?
___ 14. Do you get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time?
___ 15. When people are uncomfortable in a physical environment do you tend to know what needs to be done to make it more comfortable (like changing the lighting or the seating)?
___ 16. Are you annoyed when people try to get you to do too many things at once?
___ 17. Do you try hard to avoid making mistakes or forgetting things?
___ 18. Do you make a point to avoid violent movies and TV shows?
___ 19. Do you become unpleasantly aroused when a lot is going on around you?
___ 20. Does being very hungry create a strong reaction in you, disrupting your concentration or mood?
___ 21. Do changes in your life shake you up?
___ 22. Do you notice and enjoy delicate or fine scents, tastes, sounds, works of art?
___ 23. Do you find it unpleasant to have a lot going on at once?
___ 24. Do you make it a high priority to arrange your life to avoid upsetting or overwhelming situations?
___ 25. Are you bothered by intense stimuli, like loud noises or chaotic scenes?
___ 26. When you must compete or be observed while performing a task, do you become so nervous or shaky that you do much worse than you would otherwise?
___ 27. When you were a child, did parents or teachers seem to see you as sensitive or shy?
HSP Scale © 1997 E. Aron (For additional information see Aron & Aron, JPSP, 1997 or email aron@ic.sunysb.edu)
A case study of a young female who would be classified as an HSP:
"Fatima likes to throw herself in the arms of nature. She experiences the blueness of the oceans like nobody else. As she walks, she feels like trees bend just a little to talk to her. Mountains provide her with a sense of greatness like there is something out there much bigger than humans.
When she enters a room, she is the first to notice odors, subtle sounds, and startles easily. When she watches TV series, she immerses herself in each of the characters. It takes her days to recalibrate her sense of self after watching a movie or reading a book.
She is an amazing teacher. However, when the principal observes her class, she gets overwhelmed and delivers her worst performance. The week before her menstrual cycle, she is very focused on her pelvic pain, and PMS causes her to be irritable, have foggy brain, and make poor decisions.
She is very conscientious, wants to avoid making mistakes at all costs. She is guarded around people so that she does not say anything wrong, which would make her very anxious. At the same time, she easily gets affected by others’ moods and stories."
Researchers linked this trait to positive qualities but also to mental illnesses.
It is not surprising that this trait is found in artists, poets and is linked to giftedness, creativity, and empathy. At the same time, an HSP is at a higher risk of depression and other mental illnesses. They are also at a higher risk of burnout because they get easily overwhelmed. This is why it is critical to know if you are an HSP, so you can seek out relationships and environments that make you shine (see the last section).
并不令人惊奇,这种特征可见于一些艺术家和诗人,而且与天赋、创造力和同理心相关联。同时,一位HSP患抑郁症和其他精神疾病的风险也要更高一些。由于他们易于被冲击压垮,因此他们 Burnout(燃尽、职业倦怠)的风险也更高。因此,知道自己是否是HSP至关重要,这样你就可以找到能够让自己大放异彩的人际关系和环境。
The brain of an HSP is different
There are biological reasons for all the components of this trait. An HSP’s brain is wired differently and the nervous system is highly sensitive with a lower threshold for action . This hyper-excitability contributes to increased emotional reactivity, a lower threshold for sensory information (e.g. bothered by noise, or too much light), and increased awareness of subtleties (e.g. quick to notice odors).
There are also changes at the macro brain level. The areas associated with this trait greatly overlap with the brain areas that support empathy! Also, they have a hyperactive insula, which explains their heightened awareness of their inner emotional states and bodily sensations. This hyperactivity explains their sensitivity to pain, hunger, and caffeine.
There is also some recent evidence that this trait is related to the infamous 5-HTLPR gene (serotonin gene), implicated in many psychological conditions, such as depression。
The top five gifts of being highly sensitive
1. Sensory detail/细微感官信息
One of the prominent virtues of high sensitivity is the richness of sensory detail that life provides. The subtle shades of texture in clothing, and foods when cooking, the sounds of music or even traffic or people talking, fragrances and colors of nature. All of these may be more intense for highly sensitive people.
Of course, people are not simply sensitive or not sensitive — like other qualities and traits, it’s a matter of degree.
2. Nuances in meaning/含义的微妙差别
The trait of high sensitivity also includes a strong tendency to be aware of nuances in meaning, and to be more cautious about taking action, and to more carefully consider options and possible outcomes.
3. Emotional awareness/情绪感知
We also tend to be more aware of our inner emotional states, which can make for richer and more profound creative work as writers, musicians, actors or other artists.
A greater response to pain, discomfort, and physical experience can mean sensitive people have the potential, at least, to take better care of their health.
4. Creativity/创造性
Psychologist Elaine Aron, author of The Highly Sensitive Person, estimates about twenty percent of people are highly sensitive, and seventy percent of those are introverted, which is a trait that can also encourage creativity.
As examples, there are many actors who say they are shy, and director Kathryn Bigelow, who recently won an Academy Award, has said, I’m kind of very shy by nature.
心理学家、《The Highly Sensitive Person》作者 Elaine Aron 估计约有20%的人群是高度敏感的,其中70%是内向者。内向也是可以促进创造力的一种性格特征。
例如,有很多演员都表示自己很害羞。最近的奥斯卡金像奖获奖者 Kathryn Bigelow 导演曾说道:我天生就非常害羞。
5. Greater empathy/更强的同理心
High sensitivity to other people’s emotions can be a powerful asset for teachers, managers, therapists and others.
Five curses
1. Easily overwhelmed, overstimulated/易于被压垮、被过度刺激
The biggest challenge in high sensitivity is probably being vulnerable to sensory or emotional overwhelm. Taking in and processing so much information from both inner and outer worlds can be too much at times and result in more pain, fatigue, stress, anxiety and other reactions.
2. Affected by emotions of others/受到别人情绪的影响
Another aspect of sensitivity can be reacting to the emotions — and perhaps thoughts — of others. Being in the vicinity of angry people, for example, can be more distressing.
3. Need lots of space and time to ourselves/需要更多个人空间和时间
We may need to retreat and emotionally refresh ourselves at times that are not always best for our goals or personal growth. For example, being at a professional development conference, it may not be the most helpful thing to leave a long presentation or workshop in order to recuperate from the emotional intensity of the crowd.
4. Unhealthy perfectionism/不健康的完美主义
There can also be qualities of thinking or analyzing that lead to unhealthy perfectionism, or stressful responses to objects, people or situations that are too much or wrong for our sensitivities.
5. Living out of sync with our culture/与文化格格不入
Living in a culture that devalues sensitivity and introversion as much as the U.S. means there are many pressures to be normal — meaning extroverted, sociable and outgoing.
Dr. Ted Zeff, author of The Highly Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide, points out that other cultures, such as Thailand, have different attitudes, with a strong appreciation of sensitive or introverted people.
Jenna Avery, a life coach for sensitive souls, counsels people to accept or even pursue being out of sync with mainstream society, and be aware of other’s judgments of people as too sensitive, too emotional, or too dramatic.
And if we are sensitive, we may use those kinds of judgments against ourselves, and think, Maybe I’m too sensitive for this world.
Certainly, there are extremes of emotions that are considered mood disorders, for example, and should be dealt with as a health challenge.
But too emotional or too sensitive are usually criticisms based on majority behavior and standards.
Overall, I think being highly sensitive is a trait we can embrace and use to be more creative and aware. But it demands taking care to live strategically, even outside popular values, to avoid overwhelm so we can better nurture our abilities and creative talents.
《高度敏感者生存指南》作者 Ted Zeff博士指出,在其他文化中,如泰国,则有着不同的态度,它们很欣赏内向和敏感人群。
Jenna Avery,一位敏感灵魂人生导师建议人们接受、或者甚至追求与主流社会格格不入,而且注意到别人对人们做出的太敏感、太情绪化或者太戏剧化等评判。
How to make the most of your high sensitivity
· Reduce the number of intense stimuli in your environment.
· Limit the number of tasks when multi-tasking.
· Avoid burnout by noticing early warning signs, such as feeling overwhelmed and anxious.
· Get your thoughts and deep emotions on paper so that they won’t cloud your brain.
· Try mindfulness meditation, especially to deal with high sensitivity to pain. This will teach you to acknowledge pain as the sum of sensations suspended from the label of pain.
· Take advantage of your creativity: Draw, color or write.
· Take advantage of your predisposition for higher empathy to strengthen relationships—to become a better co-worker, and to assure your self-worth.
· Be comfortable in your sensitive skin. Own it and never be ashamed of it.
· Be honest about your predisposition to be an HSP, especially in close relationships. But dont forget to highlight the positive aspects: more empathy, deep thinker, able to see things from a different perspective, appreciation of arts and music, and others positive qualities.
减少周围环境中的强烈刺激物数量同时开展多项任务时,限制任务数量仔细觉察burnout(燃尽、职业倦怠)的早期迹象,比如感到难以承受或焦虑等把想法和深层情绪写下来,避免大脑一团乱。尝试正念冥想,尤其是对疼痛高度敏感之时。这样,会将疼痛视为疼痛标签之下悬挂的所有感觉总和。利用自己的创造力:绘画、涂色或写作利用自己更强的同理心天性去巩固人际关系——成为更好的同事,保障自我价值。安于自己的敏感性格。认可它,绝不要以其为耻。坦白承认自己的高度敏感天性,尤其在密切关系之中。但不要忘记强调这种天性的积极方面:更强同理心、深度思考者、能够以不同视角看待事物、对艺术和音乐的鉴赏力以及能够欣赏到别人的正面品质。Respect: the key to interacting with hypersensitive people
Becoming angry or excluding a person is not an appropriate reaction to not understanding the way another person behaves or lives their life. It is also not acceptable to make fun of someone for those reasons, or to do certain things to provoke their intense reactions or unusual behavior. Though this may seem entertaining to some people, it can make a hypersensitive person truly suffer and can have a huge impact on their self-esteem. Many hypersensitive people become shy and introverted because of this.
If you live with or spend a lot of time with a hypersensitive person, their reactions may be charged with negativity. Try asking them what it is that you do to provoke that reaction, and what you can do to help them to avoid these extreme reactions.
It is not that person’s fault that they are so sensitive. Their sensitivity is a condition and a reality. Just as we might feel pain if someone pinches us, or if we prick our fingers with a needle.
In any case, respecting the way in which hypersensitive people feel and perceive their environment is the key to interacting with them, building a healthy relationships, and fostering a friendly environment for everybody.
How to treat hypersensitive people
Applying this principle of respect is not always easy, especially when highly sensitive people are so used to not be treated fairly or respectfully. This means that they may be predisposed to becoming even more sensitive each time they are faced with a lack of understanding by the people with whom they coexist.
The following tips will help you with how to treat hypersensitive people. They will also help you learn how to take care of them and help them through events or situations that cause them to suffer, even if you do not understand or could not even imagine how they feel.
1. Speak softly and avoid loud noises
It may seem obvious, but we are often not aware of the volume of our voice when talking, or the noise made by appliances or electronic devices around us, or the noise we make in general as we move about. Respecting others implies something as basic as controlling the intensity of sounds.
When we make lots of noise and speak at high volume, we invade the personal space of others. We create a climate that is predisposed to negativity and abrupt reactions, a climate in which dialogue and empathy are no longer an option.
When loud noises bother us, we are not able to think clearly and our emotions start to dominate our rational mind. This happens to everyone, hypersensitive or not. The difference is that those who have extreme sensitivity react differently and show more signs of irritation or frustration even before the actual stimulant happens.
2. Don’t think of them as a complainer
If there is one thing that really bothers hypersensitive people, it is being accused of being a complainer. These people react just like you when something bothers them. The difference is, as already mentioned, they are able to perceive the thing that bothers them beforehand, and to a greater degree.
Don’t just the other person for their complaints, but rather think about what you can do to avoid irritating them or how you can create a calming environment.
3. Ask them to tell you what bothers them
It can be hard to know what bothers and affects hypersensitive people. Try to be understanding and reach out to help them. Ask them kindly to explain to you what bothers them. Furthermore, ask them what you can do to avoid these triggers if it isn’t immediately apparent.
A hypersensitive person also should know that they perceive the world differently than others, but it is important for them to know that you are thinking of them and do not want to cause them irritation. They will most likely realize that whatever you do that does bother them is not done with the intention of bothering them.
4. Respect their time and space
Humans adapt to their environment. It is a fundamental rule of survival. However, we don’t all do it in the same way. Hypersensitive people also develop their own way of adapting to circumstances. Just like every other person, each individual develops their own unique way.
In any case, hypersensitive people develop their own way to adapt, and many of them do their best to live a normal life. However, they need their own time and space to do so. By respecting this time and space that they need, it will be easier for everyone to adapt.
5. Don’t instigate conversations about delicate topics
Topics like politics and religion are sensitive subjects. When a conversation begins involving one of these, it usually does not take long to turn into an argument.
Participating in conversations like these can be a very delicate situation for hypersensitive people. Therefore, it is best not to become entangled in this kind of interaction with hypersensitive people. It will end up affecting them more than it may affect other people.
It is important to keep in mind that hypersensitive people may also have their own set of sensitive subjects. This will depend on the individual. Therefore, it is important to figure out which subjects may be delicate ones, and learn to identify the signs that a conversation may be getting uncomfortable.
6. Watch the details
Sensitive people are highly observant. By observing small details, they are able to make sense of the world. Details that may seem insignificant to everyone else may be very significant for a highly sensitive person. Watching and taking note of little details will allow you to empathize more with highly sensitive people. You will be able to show more understanding and help them feel better.
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