
抒情君 10


­ 衣服标签上的这些洗涤图标你一定不会陌生,但你知道其中含义吗?英国一项调查显示,仅有不到七分之一的人能看懂常见的洗涤标志。下面这些小图标你认识几个?

­ 1 Machine wash (机洗)

­ 2 Machine wash (permanent press) (机洗免烫)

­ 3 Machine wash (gentle cycle) (轻柔机洗)

­ 4 Hand wash (手洗)

­ 5 Water temperature not above 40C (最高洗涤温度40摄氏度)

­ 6 Do not wash (不可洗涤)

­ 7 Do not bleach (不可漂白)

­ 8 Tumble dry (滚筒干燥)

­ 9 Do not iron (不可熨烫)

­ 10 Do not wring (不可拧干)

­ 11 Do not dry clean (不可干洗)

­ 12 Drip dry (悬挂滴干)

­ 日常生活中,我们的衣服经常因洗涤不当提前报废。虽然厂家已将洗护方法印在标签上,用以提醒消费者,但很多人根本分不清一个个圆圈三角的含义。据英国《每日邮报》报道:

­ Fewer than one in seven people can correctly identify common washing symbols while a third of Britons admit they never check instruction labels.

­ 不到七分之一的人能正确识别常见的洗涤标志,而三分之一英国人表示,他们从不看说明标签。

­ Some seven in ten confessed they have machine washed items that should have gone to the dry cleaners because they failed to look at the labels.

­ 大约七成人承认因为没看水洗标,将本应干洗的衣物用洗衣机水洗了。

­ The ignorance about how clothes should be cleaned can cost families thousands of pounds, according to a sample test of householders by school uniform supplier Trutex.

­ 根据校服供应商Trutex的一份家庭样本测试,不知道该如何清洗衣物可让家庭损失数千英镑。

­ Men are the worst offenders with more than three quarters (78 percent) always using the same programme on a washing machine regardless of the instructions.

­ 男性是最大受害者。超过四分之三(78%)的男性总是使用洗衣机上的同一程序,不管洗涤说明。

­ Almost half of women (48 percent) used just three programmes or less.

­ 近一半的女性(48%)仅使用三个以下的程序。

­ While almost eight out of ten people (79 percent) believe it is important to check the labels on their clothes, less than half (39 percent) look at them when buying a new item.

­ 虽然有近八成人(79%)认为查看衣服上的标签很重要,但只有不到一半的人(39%)在购买新衣服时会查看标签。

­ In the test some nine out of ten said they were unaware that some clothing should never be put in the tumble drier.

­ 在测试中,约九成人称,他们没发现有些衣物不应该放进滚筒烘干机里。

­ Ironing was the most understood symbol however six in ten people automatically use a high heat steam without checking.

­ 熨烫是人们最熟悉的图标,然而,六成人不查看洗涤标签就想当然使用高温蒸汽熨烫。

­ Most women (90 percent) said they had learned how to wash clothes when helping their mothers as young girls with almost all (95 percent) separating out whites and colors.

­ 大多数女性(90%)表示,她们儿时学会帮妈妈洗衣服,几乎所有女性(95%)都将白色衣物和其他颜色衣物分开洗涤。

­ This compares with only 15 percent of men who helped their mothers or washed their own dirty linen when at home.

­ 相比之下,只有15%的男性在家里帮妈妈洗过衣服,或者洗自己的脏衣服。

­ One in four said they never looked at instructions and one in six had never used a washing machine.

­ 四分之一的人表示,他们从没看过洗涤说明,而六分之一的人从没用过洗衣机。

­ Overall less than half (47 percent) of all who took part in the study "often" check labels.

­ 总的来说,不到一半的(47%)被调查者经常查看洗涤标签。

­ Matthew Easter, managing director at Trutex said: "The research shows a huge lack of knowledge when it comes to knowing what care labels mean and an ignorance of their importance.

­ TruteX公司总经理马修?伊斯特说:研究表明,关于洗涤标签的含义,人们非常缺乏相关知识,并忽视了它们的重要性。

­ "The labels are there so the best care can be taken of fabrics and show how they should be treated.

­ 这些标签是为了让面料得到最好的护理,并告诉人们应该如何打理衣物。

­ "This helpful information can save time and money and ensure clothes last longer."

­ 这些有帮助的信息可以节省时间和金钱,让衣服更‘长寿’。

­ 最后,为大家附上洗衣标志说明大全。了解了这48个标志的含义,你也能变身洗衣小能手,从此妈妈再也不用担心你的衣服了。



