
抒情君 38



今天呢,小编就替大家整理了19首《小猪佩琪》里的英文儿歌歌词,并附上这些儿歌的MP3下载方式~ 希望你和孩子喜欢,比心~

The Bing Bong Song

Were playing a tune

and were singing a song

With a bing and a bong and a bing

Bong bing boo bing bong

bing bing bong bingly bungly boo

Bong bing boo bing bong

bing bing bong bingly bungly boo

Grandpas Little Train Song

Grandspas little train goes choo choo choo

choo choo choo choo choo choo

Grandpas little train goes choo choo choo

all day long

and the piggies on the train go oink oink oink

oink oink oink oink oink oink

and the piggies on the train go

oink oink oink all day long

Grandpas little train goes choo choo choo

choo choo choo choo choo choo

Grandpas little train goes choo choo choo

all day long

Birdy Birdy, Woof Woof

The bird go woof and the dogs go tweet

woof tweet woof tweet

woof woof woof

the sheep go moo and the cows go baaa

moo baa woof tweet woof baa moo tweet

woof woof woof

The Recycling Song

Recycle recycle

Wre going to recycle

Tin cans bottles newspaper

Recycle recycle

Wre going to recycle

Rainbow Song

Its a rainy sunny day

The rainbows here to play

Rainbow rainbow

red and orange and yellow and green and purple and blue

Rainbow rainbow its a rainy sunny day

Christmas Tree Song

Little star on the Christmas tree

goes twinkle twinkle twinkle twee

What a charming song

and all the little piggies on Christmas eve go oink oink oink

oink oink oink

Lovely Peppa Now its time to

Wait theres more oink oink oink oink oink

Sweet little star on the Christmas TREE

The Wheels on the Bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round

round and round, round and round

the wheels on the bus go round and round

all day long

The fish in the bowl swims round and round

round and round, round and round

The fish in the bowl swims round and round

all day long

The Counting Song

Counting to ten

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

A Little Chick Song

Im a little chick singing cheep, cheep, cheep.

I like to pick up food with my beak, beak, beak.

Ive fluffy yellow hair and straw for my bed.

And I jump up and down, singing cheep, cheep, cheep!

Mr Potato song

Up down, up down, all together now,

Mr potato is rolling around.

Your friend and mine, he’s happy all the time,

Mr Potato is coming to town

Frere Jacques

Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques,

Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?

Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines

Delphines pretty song has sent everyone to sleep

Ding dang dong, ding dang dong.

Wiggly Worm song

Youre a wiggly worm Youre a wiggly worm

how do you do? i love you

youre a wiggly worm

Jolly Pirates

Were jolly pirates we that sail the deep blue sea

to find the golden treasure for sails are high yipee

land ahoy

The Train Song

Clickity clack clickity clack the train is on the track

huff and puff huff and puff

clickity clickity clack clickity clack clickity clack

the train goes on the track

huff and puff huff and puff the train goes on the track

World Harmony song

Peace and harmony in all the world

Peace and Harmony in all the world

Peace and harmony in all the world

Peace and har-mony

Grampy Rabbits Boat song

I got up this morning

the sea was still there and so was the sky

I got up this morning the sea was still there

so was the sky

the sea the sky the sea the sky the sea the

sky the sea the sky

Big Balloon song

Big balloon big balloon

bigger than the sun and moon

flying high in the sky

flying fly and fly and fly

Seaside Holiday

We’re all going on a seaside holiday

sand castles swimming and sunny skies

We’re all going on a seaside holiday

sea and sand and ice-cream too!

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